On the 6th February South African born billionaire Elon Musk launched the largest rocket from Cape Canaveral since NASA’s Saturn V took the last astronauts to the moon in 1972 and put the US space station Skylab into orbit a year later.
One of the first Apollo moonwalkers, Buzz Aldrin, waiting with the crowds at the Kennedy Space Centre was amongst the first to comment @TheRealBuzz: “Its a beautiful day for a rocket launch from my favourite launchpad” - launchpad 39A.
It was Buzz Aldrin with Neil Armstrong and Command Module pilot Michael Collins who accomplished the first successful landing on the moon on Apollo 11 in 1969, paving the way for six more moon landings in just three years.
Judging by the euphoric cries and clapping of the floods of spectators as the Falcon Heavy rocket soared into space in billowing clouds of red and gold, the successful launch by Elon Musk’s company SpaceX heralds the start of a whole new phase of space exploration.
The real star for Elon Musk as creator of one of the first successful electric cars must be the vision of his own Red Tesla Roadster separating from the upper stage of SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy rocket and hurtling towards the asteroid belt with the words “Don’t Panic” on the dashboard and bonnet.
Moreover, the Roadster’s driver, the new Starman, will be free from the trials of unwanted celebrity which haunted some of the Apollo astronauts, being a dummy in a space suit and destined to travel through deep space long after humans have died out.
Starman will drift through space forever, with a copy of The Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy in the glove department while David Bowie’s astronaut Major Tom from Space Oddity tells Ground Control: “Though I’m past one hundred thousand miles, I’m feeling very still. And I think my spaceship knows where to go.” Space Oddity was launched just five days before Apollo 11.
Earthlings can even take part in Starman’s journey since the Red Tesla is equipped with three cameras to transmit photos of stars and galaxies to Ground Control.
They are certainly more starlike than the giant piece of Le Brouere cheese that Musk launched with SpaceX’s NASA funded Dragon space capsule on December 8th 2010 inspired by Monty Python according to a Musk tweet.
Since then SpaceX with NASA and Russian Soyuz spaceships have provided food and materials to astronauts on the International Space Station after the US space shuttle programme ended in 2011.
Next stop the Moon and Mars not to mention tourist trips around the earth. Following the last Apollo mission nearly half a century ago this was as Neil Armstrong predicted: “A giant leap for mankind”.